Ethio Telecom Switches On 5G Mobile Network Service

Addis Ababa, September 9, 2023 (FBC) – Ethio telecom today officially launched the fifth generation (5G) mobile network service in Addis Ababa.

Ethio telecom rolled out the long overdue 5G mobile network service in an event held at Friendship Square in Addis Ababa.

In her remarks during the event, the CEO of Ethio telecom, Frehiwot Tamru, said that the 5G mobile network has been launched in 145 locations in Addis Ababa city today.

The CEO also indicated that the service has a high speed of up to 10 gigabytes per second.

Frehiwot pointed out that switching on this service on the eve of the new Ethiopian year is a sign of new hope.

She reminded that the fifth generation (5G) mobile network service has already been implemented in selected areas of the capital and in Adama city.

The launching of the 5G network  mobile service is said to be part of the country’s efforts to realize Digital Ethiopia 2025 program.

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