Xi Jinping proposes enhanced China-Africa cooperation at FOCAC Summit

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote address emphasizing the need for strengthened partnerships between China and African nations. The summit, attended by heads of state and government from various African countries, marks a significant milestone in the ongoing collaboration aimed at fostering economic growth and development across the continent.

In his address, President Xi highlighted the historical ties between China and Africa, stating, “The friendship between China and Africa transcends time and space, surmounts mountains and oceans, and passes down through generations.” He noted that the founding of FOCAC in 2000 has been instrumental in advancing China-Africa relations, particularly in the face of global challenges.

Xi proposed elevating bilateral relations with African countries to the level of strategic partnerships, aiming to create an “all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era.” He emphasized that modernization is a fundamental right for all countries and expressed China’s commitment to supporting African nations in their development goals, particularly in the context of the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

The Chinese leader outlined ten partnership actions aimed at deepening cooperation, including:

Mutual Learning among Civilizations: Establishing a platform for governance experience sharing and a knowledge network for development.

Trade Prosperity: Offering zero-tariff treatment for all least developed countries (LDCs) with diplomatic ties to China, expanding market access for African agricultural products.

Industrial Chain Cooperation: Promoting industry cooperation and launching programs to empower small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Africa.

Connectivity: Implementing infrastructure connectivity projects to enhance trade and development across the continent.

Development Cooperation: Supporting Africa in hosting significant events like the 2026 Youth Olympic Games and implementing livelihood projects.

Health Initiatives: Establishing a hospitals alliance and sending medical personnel to Africa to bolster healthcare systems.

Agriculture and Livelihoods: Providing emergency food assistance and promoting agricultural innovation.

People-to-People Exchanges: Enhancing vocational education and cultural cooperation to strengthen ties between China and Africa.

Green Development: Launching clean energy projects and collaborating on environmental conservation.

Common Security: Building partnerships to enhance peace and security across the continent.

President Xi announced that the Chinese government would provide $50 billion in financial support over the next three years to implement these initiatives. This funding is expected to play a crucial role in advancing development and cooperation between China and African nations.

As the summit progresses, leaders from across Africa are expected to engage in discussions on various topics, including trade, infrastructure development, and climate change, further solidifying the framework for future collaboration.

The FOCAC summit underscores the growing importance of China-Africa relations in the global landscape, with both sides committed to working together to address shared challenges and promote sustainable development for the benefit of their peoples.

Source: Xi Jinping proposes enhanced China-Africa

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