Africans To Discuss On Accelerating Single Continental Air Transport Market In Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, May 9, 2023 (FBC) – The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority in coalition with the African Civil Aviation Commission has organized a workshop aimed at accelerating the single African air transport market in Addis Ababa.
The workshop will be held on May 10-11, 2023 under the theme ‘The Acceleration of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) Ethiopian Stakeholders Roadshow.’, according to ENA.
Single African Air Transport Market is a flagship project of the AU’s Agenda 2063, which aims at integrating the air transport market of the continent to bring about economic integration and connectivity, thereby enabling the continent’s air transport to be sustainable, efficient and unified.
The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority said that 100 participants from all African nations will participate in the workshop.
As stipulated by SAATM, aviation plays a major role in connecting Africa, promoting its social, economic and political integration and boosting intra-Africa trade and tourism as a result.

Africans to discuss on accelerating single continental air transport market in Addis Ababa – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C (

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