Ethiopia Capitalizes On Korea-Africa Forum To Promote Investment Opportunities

Addis Ababa, December 21, 2023 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s ambassador to Korea, Ambassador Dessie Dalkie, presented the investment potentials of Ethiopia and Ethio-Korea future potential cooperation areas during the 2nd Korea-Africa Trade and Industry Cooperation Forum held in Seoul, South Korea Yesterday.

The Ambassador expounded the current economic situation in Ethiopia, priority areas for foreign investment, and areas of cooperation between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea.

While elaborating his country’s huge investment potential and opportunities, Ambassador Dessie Dalkie invited Korean companies to explore investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

He further emphasized the necessity of significantly strengthening the collaboration of Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea in trade, investment, science and technology as well as financial and Technical Cooperation.

During his opening speech, Byung Nae Yang, the Deputy Minister for Trade of the Republic of Korea, mentioned that Africa, with its youthful workforce and huge untapped resources, has enormous economic potential.

On the occasion, huge companies of Korea also highlighted their investment experiences in Africa and expressed their desire to pursue further investment opportunities in African nations.

Korean government officials and representatives, African Ambassadors and CEOs of Korean companies attended the forum, the Ethiopian Embassy in Seoul indicated.

Ethiopia capitalizes on Korea-Africa Forum to promote investment opportunities – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C (

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