Ethiopia’s growth rate forecast to be the fastest of the 4 largest African economies

World’s 4 largest GDPs, trillions, US$
1. China $41.9
2. U.S. $37.2
3. India $22.2
4. Indonesia $6.3

Africa’s 4 largest GDPs
1. #Egypt $3.5
2. #Nigeria $3.4
3. #Ethiopia $1.6
4. #SouthAfrica $1.4

Global GDP: $227.9
EMs >DMs

Source: Goldman Sachs, by 2050, via Visual Capitalist

Africa’s 4 largest GDPs by 2075:
Nigeria: $13.1 (2.85X)
Egypt: $10.4 (1.97X)
Ethiopia: $6.2 (3.42X)
South Africa: $3.3 (1.3X)

X = Growth rate 2050 vs 2075

Ethiopia’s growth rate forecast to be the fastest of the 4 largest African economies at 3.42X followed by Nigeria, Egypt and SA.

All 4 African countries are forecast to be amongst the 25 largest economies by 2075. Nigeria #5, Egypt #7, Ethiopia #16, South Africa #25

By: Zemedeneh Negatu

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