Global Partnership For Ethiopia Involvement Enhances Accession To Digital Economy: Authority

Addis Ababa, May 29, 2021 (FBC) – Ethiopian Communications Authority said the involvement of the Global Partnership for Ethiopia in the emerging telecom industry would have immense role in helping the country’s vision to build a digital economy.

It is to be recalled that Safaricom-led consortium wins a license to nationwide telecom service and the group has paid 850 million USD for the ten-year permit. Global Partnership for Ethiopia is a consortium of Safaricom, Vodafone, Vodacom, Sumitomo, and CDC–UK’s development finance institution.

Approached by EPA, ECA Director- General Engineer Balcha Reba stated that the consortium would play a significant role in advancing Ethiopia’s digital economy apart from its engagement in providing world-class telecom services.

The director-general also stated that the consortium’s arrival would bring new and efficient telecom services and its rich knowledge and expertise also contribute to Ethiopia build a competitive telecom industry and enhance its revenues from the sector.

“The consortium has great financial potential,” Balcha said, adding that member companies have a total annual turnover of more than 100 billion USD.

With over eight billion USD total investment over the next ten years, the consortium’s involvement will be the single largest FDI into Ethiopia to date. The investment is also expected to provide 1.5 million jobs to citizens in the next decade, he added.

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