Huawei Vows To Continue To Adhere To Its Value Proposition ‘In Africa, For Africa’

Addis Ababa, March 16, 2023 (FBC) – Huawei will continuously increase digital investment, through co-creations on the combination of consulting service and digital solutions, empowering carriers on ‘Three Upgrades’, deepen the transformation, unleash sustainable value, and light up the future, said Bill Tang, President of Huawei Global Technical Service.

Huawei organized Northern Africa OTF 2023 in Barcelona, encircling the theme of ‘Accelerating Digital Operations Transformation towards Business Success’.

It is learned that more than 120 executives from delegates of government and regulator, operators and industrial organizations, analysts and KOLs in the region had in-depth exchanges on the successful business practices, digital operations experiences, innovative business, digital organization and talent transformation and global vision of Northern Africa digital transformation development.

Bill Tang, President of Huawei Global Technical Service said in the opening speech entitled ‘Together, Lighting Up The Digital Future’ that currently, with the challenges of the telecommunication industry market and growth opportunities within the next 10 years, digital transformation is becoming a must, ‘Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast’.

He indicated that Huawei will continuously increase digital investment, through co-creations on the combination of consulting service and digital solutions, empowering carriers on ‘Three Upgrades’, deepen the transformation, unleash sustainable value, and light up the future.

Aaron Boasman-Patel, VP of TM Forum said in his keynote speech, more than 30 billion connections is forecasted by 2025.

In the Fintech field, with the rising wave of Fintech sector in Africa, Said Aragaw, CMO of Ethio telecom shared that Fintech continues to revolutionize African market towards digitized financial inclusion. Ethio telecom is a great example of how unbanked segment of society was made part main stream, 29 million users in 18 months is an achievement to be proud of.

Other delegates have also shared the successful practices of their respective organizations and firms.

As a result, Huawei vowed to continue to adhere to its value proposition ‘In Africa, For Africa, Continuous Innovation, and Trustworthiness’, and bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent Africa.

Huawei vows to continue to adhere to its value proposition ‘In Africa, For Africa’ – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C (

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