Local Market Demand Boosted By Surplus Meher Wheat Production – Ministry

Addis Ababa, February 3, 2024 (FBC) – The Ministry of Agriculture asserted that it is working in collaboration with pertinent stakeholders to ensure the accessibility of the burgeoning Meher and irrigated wheat produce to the domestic market.

In an exclusive interview with FBC, Isayas Lemma, the head of crop development department at the ministry, articulated that beyond ensuring supply of the Meher wheat produce abundantly to the country’s consumption, work is also being intensified to boost supply of local wheat to the export market which started last year.

The Ministry has issued directives for the optimal utilization of Meher and irrigated wheat production, intending to harness it for its designated purpose and supply it abundantly to the market, he said.

Additionally, efforts will be undertaken to augment production specifically for the export market, the official added.

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