Mugher Cement Plant to increase production volume, market share

Addis Ababa, January 23, 2021 (FBC) –Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Engineer Takele Uma, together with members of the Chemical Industry Corporation Board of Directors, has visited Mugher cement plant.

Engineer Takele on the occasion said that efforts will be made to enable the plant produce cement with its full capacity to increase production volume and market share.

He said the production volume of cement that comes from the factory doesn’t proportionate with the abundant natural resources available in the areas.

According to him, works will be done to increase its production capacity and market share from only 25% now as well as to improve its market linkages.

Mugher is a state-owned cement factory located 105 km west of Addis Ababa. It produces ordinary portland cement (OPC) and portland pozzolana cement (PPC).

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