Representatives Of Foreign Companies Witness Ample Investment Opportunities In Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, October 16, 2021 (FBC) – Representatives of foreign companies participating in the Food, Beverage and Plastprint Pack Trade Fair witnessed wider investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

More than 40 companies are participating in the Trade Fair that started yesterday, of which some joined the event from 11 countries.

Companies from Russia, Germany, Italy, India and Turkey are taking part in the trade fair whose representatives told local media that they had got clear view of what the government of Ethiopia is doing to attract more foreign companies to the investment climate of the country.

Owner and CEO of the Russian Mohan Group of Companies, Mayur Kothari said foreign companies will benefit from the enabling environment and affordable workforce if they come to Ethiopia and join the investment climate.

CEO of German Animal products Exporter Company in Ethiopia, Sebastian Möller noted that his company is working to extensively utilize the growing opportunities in Ethiopia and attract more partners to the country in doing so.

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